Open Door Cigars is pleased to host Cave Night for all clientele. We will serve you a full meal every week, so come in and have dinner with us!


Thursday evening


Dinner is served around 7pm.


The food table is set up buffet style and is located in the retail area of Open Door Cigars.


Everyone may eat in the retail area, small den, or on our Sweet 7 patio. We ask that you please not take food into the Sweet 7 Lounge.


Food is provided to anyone joining us at Open Door Cigars. We ask that you please do not take food to go, as we want to make sure everyone has the opportunity to eat a good meal.

Cave Night Etiquette

Everyone in Open Door Cigars/Sweet 7 Lounge will conduct themselves like a lady or a gentleman. We are all here to have fun and enjoy relationship and conversation with each other.  Thank you for helping us create and environment as the one we all want to visit to feel relaxed and welcome.