Cohiba Serie M Toro QTY-Box of 10
Cohiba Serie M Toro
For the first time ever, Cohiba has released a cigar that has been made in the U.S. The cigar is called the ‘Serie M’ with the ‘M’ meaning Miami which is where the cigar factory is located (El Titan de Bronze). This American-made Cohiba comes in a 6” x 52 Toro vitola and features a Nicaraguan Corojo wrapper, a Nicaraguan binder, and Dominican (Piloto Cubano) / Nicaraguan (Estelí and Jalapa) fillers. “I am honored that we were chosen to craft the first American-made Cohiba cigars,” said Sandy Cobas, owner of El Titan de Bronze, in a press release. “For this important collaboration, we created a cigar using only the most exquisite tobacco, working together with the Cohiba team at General Cigar. Unlike in other countries where cigar makers work in teams, our cigarmakers at El Titán de Bronze personally create each cigar from start to finish, and we put their name on every single box they make.” The Cohiba Serie M cigars come with a gorgeous presentation of green and gold on the band and box. With a 90 rating from HalfWheel, the Cohiba Serie M is a must-have cigar for your humidor!