Cohiba Robusto 5x49


Sale price$734.96


Cohiba Robusto 5 x 49 QTY-Box of 25

Cohiba Robusto Natural

Cohiba is a cigar company that has a very interesting history. The Cuban company was formed shortly after the communist revolution in Cuba, where they would make cigars for the government, both to be enjoyed by these privileged communist party members and for giving to foreign dignitaries, but they were never made available for purchase by the average Cuban citizen until about 1982. At the same time that the Cuban cigar market was falling apart and slowly stagnating, as the quality control of Cuban cigars was collapsing, General Cigar decided to open their own Cohiba cigar company in the Dominican Republic, which is where the Cuban cigars that you can usually get a hold of are made.

The Cohiba Robusto Natural is a good cigar, identifiable by the shade of its wrapper as well as the brand with the red ‘O’ to it. The wrapper is a flavorful West African Cameroon wrapper, which lends the cigar a sweetness to it, which is then filled with fine tobacco from the Dominican Republic, which you will be able to enjoy again and again. It’s a great cigar!

If you like sweetness, smoothness, and a bit of spice, this is the cigar that you should take a look at.

Wrapper: African Cameroon
Binder: Indonesian
Filler: Piloto Cubano
Origin: Dominican Republic
Ring Gauge: 49
Length: 5
Shape: Robusto
Strength: Medium

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